How we work
How we help



How we help


Our clients strive to make success producing decisions quickly in a historically challenging environment. Our work helps clients achieve four important business goals:


  • Improved Marketing ROI
  • Focus
  • Early revenue generation
  • Credibility
  • Market experience

Improved Marketing ROI

We help our clients treat their marketing expenditures as an investment that they can expect to produce a return as opposed to more traditional notions of marketing as part of overhead.


Set Targets -- Not all opportunities are equal. Potential markets abound for many new products, but not all markets develop at the same time. Through our market segmentation methodologies, we identify the earliest adopters of new products to help our clients focus first on the most promising market segments.

Early Revenue Generation

Produce Near-Term Results -- By directing clients to the most likely early markets, we enable them to generate revenue more quickly, lock out their competitors, fund additional marketing programs, build credibility for the product within upper management, and achieve other advantages.


Build Reference Situations -- By implementing our segmentation recommendations, our clients can more quickly develop high-profile reference accounts that bolster the credibility, positioning, and marketing efforts for their products.

Market Experience

Because they enter a market in its early development stages with extraordinary knowledge of customer needs, our clients gain valuable experience and positioning that serve as additional barriers to competition.


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